As with any grooming tool, the DogUp Stand requires some practice and training for effective use, both for the groomer and the client. Over a year was spent in development and testing to make sure that the DogUp Stand was effective at assisting pets that either couldn’t or wouldn’t stand up. This page is intended to help you understand when to use the DogUp Stand, how to use it (and how NOT to use it), and what to expect.
When to use the DogUp Stand
As a groomer, I specialize in senior, disabled, and aggressive pet grooming. However, not every dog I groom fits these categories. As a matter of fact, many of the healthy and well-mannered dogs that I groom just happen to be “lazy” and just do NOT want to stand up during the groom. They sit back down over and over, even after I have been holding their waist up for the entire groom. This means that one of my hands is tied up most of the time, and both of my hands are working hard and get fatigued faster. However, if the pet would have just stood up for a steady 10 minutes, the groom would have been done!
The DogUp Stand can also be placed under a dog just to give its hips some support while you do a nail trim. It can even assist a three-legged dog or larger dogs that WILL have ACL problems, but used early on, can help slow down the absolute.
The DogUp Stand was designed to try and be compatible with most dog sizes. However, there are limitations. Therefore, the DogUp Stand may not work well for dogs that are very short or very tall. Check the sizes in the product descriptions in order to determine which size DogUp Stand would work for your clients.
How to use the DogUp Stand
This product is intended to aid in your grooming process. In order to be most effective, you should try to use this product every day. Get used to using it. Use it when you need it the most during grooming. Do NOT use it on a single dog for hours, but instead, use it off and on during the groom, especially if the groom takes longer than an hour. Train the dogs you are using it with. Get them used to it. Do NOT position the DogUp Stand too high; it just needs to be right at the tummy or where the dog can feel that a hint of something is there. Some dogs might forcefully push on it, but for me, this is rare. Once a pet goes to sit, they feel it and correct themselves up.
One of the main benefit to the DogUp Stand design is its portability. Because it’s not fixed to the table, it allows you to easily move, place, or stow the stand as needed without over-restraining your client. Also, because of its design, the top portion of the dog remains accessible for grooming during use. Furthermore, because the saddle is large, it reduces the pressure placed on the dog’s belly compared to strap-based dog restraint systems.
What to expect when using the DogUp Stand
Over first year of testing, I groomed many large and small dogs. Each dog reacts a bit differently. Some moved the stand, sat on the stand sideways, kicked the stand out from under them, or hopped over the stand. However, MOST did exactly what I needed them to do: STAND UP while I groomed. Obviously, the DogUp Stand is not for every dog. If your client is overly aggressive or uncooperative, the DogUp Stand may not be appropriate for them.
Everyone grooms a bit differently. Therefore, you may use the product in a way that is not working for you. In my opinion, you cannot learn how to effectively use any grooming tool until you use it on at least 50 pets or 50 times on a single pet. However, as can be seen in many of my DogUp Stand videos, for many of these pets, I used the product ONCE and received immediate gratification of the dog standing up.
DogUp Stand videos
Please watch the YouTube videos below for more information on how to properly use the DogUp Stand. If you’re having trouble or have any questions or concerns, give us a call or email and we can set up a consultation via video chat so that we can work with you and your client in real time. This way, I can see exactly what is going on in your environment and be able to guide you in using the DogUp Stand in the correct manner.
Thank you,
Dede Croy
Most important video regarding the DogUp Stand:
Other DogUp Stand videos that will help: